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Thank you for stopping by! FitnessByTY's goal is to keep you on track and motivated with your workouts. Here we try to share useful and applicable information, articles, tips, stories that you can relate with. I'd love to hear your suggestions and questions about what we talk or at least should talk about! Jump in and enjoy!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kick Your Own Butt - Try This Glute Workout

I try to concentrate my workouts as much as can on lower body, since I have a LOT to work on my legs and well, my Brazilian rear end... no fancy way to say it.
Having dealt with hip injuries for a while, I learned the hard way that strengthening my hips and glutes was a priority not only to make them look good.
I try to stay as educated as I can in a variety of training, but I think I have a butt magnet in my brain (boy, does that sound weird!) :) I'm sure you know what I mean... ;)
I have A LOT to learn and am not creating anything new here. As I stated on my previous blog "Wake Your Butt Up!", glute activation and strengthening are not for a specific public. This stuff is for EVERYBODY. So, you will always see me coming back to it to try to motivate you to get stronger in that area as well (boys and gals).
Today's post is short and sweet. Just sharing a workout I like to do, starting with bodyweight glute activation exercises first, to fire the glutes properly, then moving to HEAVY sets.
Quick disclaimer: if you don't know proper form for these exercises, make sure you get it right first (here comes the value of consulting a trainer):Bodyweight (2 sets x 15 reps each):
Single leg bridges x lateral band walk
Single leg sit/stand  x donkey kicks

Heavy (3-4 sets x 12-15 reps):
Squats x Single leg step back lunge/high knee
Barbell Stiff-legged deadlift x Barbell hip bridges
Heavy walking lunges (active rest with bodyweight bridges) 

Once a month won't do anything for you. I'd recommend 2-3 times per week (depending on how you recover), so stay consistent and talk to a trainer if you don't know how to progress or change it up. I hope you enjoy it!

Can't leave out huge thanks to Nick Tumminello and Bret Contreras for the fabulous teaching and inspiration, in addition to the awesome (butt)wake up calls!

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1 comment:

  1. Ty! ! I need more of this kind of workout! Trying to hire you for a 4-month personal training, body fat reduction overhaul. Contact me when you can. Just sent you an email this morning.
